Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Math Classroom - 1232 Words
In order to discuss the advantages and disadvantages for ââ¬Å"flippingâ⬠a math classroom you will need to define what that means. The flipped classroom approach is basically exactly how it sounds; the teacher and the students flip roles in the classroom setting. One article defines it as ââ¬Å"a student-centered learning method consisting of two parts with interactive learning activities during lesson and individual teaching bases directly on computer out of lesson. (Ozdamli Asiksoy, 2016,pg.99) This means, that teachers are able to spend more time during instruction focusing on activities that are interactive and getting to know their student personal interest and learning styles instead of focusing on the instruction. The instructional aspectâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦By allowing these students to watch videos, or recorded instructions at home, not only are you tapping into their world of technology, which will probably keep their attention longer than just standing i n front of the class and talking, but it will allow for them to have more time to interact with you as a teacher in the classroom the next day. Which points out the next advantage to a flipped classroom, teachers are able to interact more with their students. This is not the same as having more time to do hands on things; it means ââ¬Å"the students can find opportunity to discuss with their teachers which is not a possible situation in traditional approachâ⬠(Bergmann Wadell, 2012,pg.29). What does this mean for math instruction? It means it provides the students and opportunity to discuss and process their answers with the teacher instead of just memorizing facts and tables and repeating them back. For example, if a student answer a math question but gets it wrong, it allowing for the teacher to ask them to explain how they got to that conclusion which allows the student to think through the process themselves and possible find their own error. It also means that questions are not just yes and noââ¬â¢s but whyââ¬â¢s and howââ¬â¢s and because the teacher has extra time, which was stated above, she is able to expand on their knowledge of the content and the process behind how and why it happens. There are many more advantagesShow MoreRelatedMath Approaches: Traditional or Reform Essay1059 Words à |à 5 PagesMath Approaches: Traditional or Reform Presently there is an argument regarding whether it is better to teach mathematics in a reform or traditional approach. Understandably, educators want to teach children in the best way that will benefit students as a child and a learner. 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At the800 Words à |à 4 PagesAs everyone grows up, everyone has to take a Math class from Kindergarten to twelfth grade. At the early stage of math classes, most of the problems were solved by using pencil and paper. Eventually, calculators to ok over the method of using pencil and paper. Calculators were first made in 1642 by a French mathematician, Blaise Pascal. According to the article, ââ¬Å"Who Made the First Calculator,â⬠calculators were created for the usage of helping a person add and subtract numbers without using theirRead More Integrated Cirriculum Research Paper965 Words à |à 4 Pagesenthusiasm there should also be an increased activity of integration taking place within the classroom. This, however, does not seem to be the case. Math and Science integration has been widely talked about and supported by educators young and old, but critics state that there is little evidence to show the effectiveness of integration in the classroom. The reasons for the integration of subjects in the classroom are many and easily understood. ââ¬Å"Mathematics and science can easily be integrated givenRead MoreThe Human Race932 Words à |à 4 Pagesinterest driving, one-to-one instructions, online instruction, among other ways. I want to identify three major issues or changes in education: digital classes, one-to-one instructions and flipped classrooms. First, letââ¬â¢s talk about digital classes. One of the examples that I have used is Google Classroom. According to The Wallace Foundation (n.d.), ââ¬Å"It goes almost without saying that kids today are absorbed in computers, cell phones, video games, television and other media-spending an average
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Television and Media - Censorship of TV Violence Not...
Censorship of TV Violence Not Necessary Censorship of televised media often begins as a result of the concern many adults show over what their children watch. Children begin watching television at an early age, and they are usually lifetime viewers by the time they are two to three years old. There is usually a steady increase in the amount of television watched during a persons childhood. This is followed by a decline during adolescence. What is more of a concern to the American people, however, is the amount of violence depicted on the television screen. The addition of cable TV also adds a whole new dimension to the problem. Children who watch a lot of TV are less aroused by violent scenes, less bothered by violence inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Because there is a great deal of violence both in children and adult programs this will probably lesson the amount of violence they see. Parents can also sit down and watch certain television programs with their children. This way they can explain why certain acts of violence were committed. Those parents who want their children to witness no violent programs can simply ban their children from watching them (Palmer 51). There have been several occurrences where censorship has been enforced, but most of these were attacked and refuted. In 1992 the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a law authorizing cable company censorship of some types of constitutionally protected speech on public, educational, and governmental access channels on cable television. The two parties in the case were the Alliance for Community Media versus Federal Communications Commission. Barry Forbes, Executive Director of the Alliance, stated, We are delighted that the Supreme Court has struck down a statute that was clearly unconstitutional from the very beginning. The federal government attempted to use cable operators as cover in order to censor speech protected by the First Amendment. The government should not be permitted to do that without using the least restrictive means. This case had a huge effect on both the content of TV programming, freedom of expression, and the right of privacy on any electronic medium. If the decision had gone the other way itShow MoreRelated Media Censorship Essay examples662 Words à |à 3 PagesMedia Censorship Today there is much controversy over whether there should or shouldnââ¬â¢t be censorship of the media. Censorship should not be imposed on citizens by the government or other agencies; adults have a right to view or listen to what they choose. Additionally, if childrenââ¬â¢s media is censored, parents are the ones who should monitor and regulate it. Parents should be the ones to monitor childrenââ¬â¢s viewing of television and also what they hear on the radio, CDââ¬â¢s, and tapes. CensorshipRead MoreCensorship and Indecency in Media928 Words à |à 4 PagesCensorship and Indecency in Media Although indecent speech is protected by the First Amendment speech in broadcast media has been restricted because of its accessibility to children. In Federal Communications Commissionââ¬â¢s (FCC) current policy, indecent speech is defined as the ââ¬Å"language that describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium, sexual or excretory activities and organs, at times of the day when there is a reasonable thatRead MoreEssay about Television Censorship1601 Words à |à 7 Pages Television Censorship WHAT IS CENSORSHIP? quot;Censorship is the supervision and control of the information and ideas that are circulated among the people within a society. In modern times, censorship refers to the examination of books, periodicals, plays, films, television and radio programs, news reports, and other communication media for the purpose of altering or suppressing parts thought to be objectionable or offensive. The objectionable material may be considered immoral or obscene, hereticalRead MoreTelevision Can Accomplish Education Through TV Essay examples1147 Words à |à 5 PagesTelevision Can Accomplish Education Through TV Problems with kids and television have existed since the invention of this media instrument. For example, parents are concerned with the number of hours children spend in front of the television, as well as the amount of violence represented in different programs. Most important, parents are speculating as to what educational value TV actually has. People have always wondered about effects television could have on individuals. By the late 1980Read MoreCensorship is a Personal Decision Essay1558 Words à |à 7 PagesCensorship is a Personal Decision One mans vulgarity is anothers lyric. Justice John M. Harlan, Cohen v. California (1971) It is probably no accident that freedom of speech is the first freedom mentioned in the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. The Constitutions framers believed that freedom of inquiry and libertyRead MoreViolence in the Arts Ãâ" Plato vs. Aristotle Essay1285 Words à |à 6 PagesViolence in The Arts Ãâ" Plato vs. Aristotle Nowadays, it is hard to turn on a television program, catch a movie or buy your younger sibling a video game without encountering a warning for extreme violence. Everyday, our lives are exposed to violence on the screen, whether it is in the latest Sopranos episode or even watching the six oclock news. For quite a while now, people have been demanding that stricter censorship be placed on the media, especially those programs and video games that canRead MoreThe Responsibility of Parenting in Preventing Violence instead of the Media1775 Words à |à 8 PagesThe Responsibility of Parenting in Preventing Violence instead of the Media In the past few years, media violence has increased on television, in turn bringing inevitable resistance from concerned parents. What they dont stop to think about is that maybe the media is not the only area to blame. Parents are to blame when children are subjected to violence in the media, because it is due to an undedicated parent, not a carelessRead MoreOn January 1, 2016, The Institute Of Contemporary History1736 Words à |à 7 Pagesstrong censorship of Mein Kampf. According to one commentator, letting people read the book and make their mind meditate upon its content could do more to fight fascism rather than strict censorship (Horn). Unfortunately, not many governments view censorship in this light. In the current digital age, it is extremely hard to completely block the distribution of any book. In fact, censorship often raises the curiosity of the public, leading to an even greater publicity; therefore, it is necessary to reconsiderRead MoreCensorship is Not an Ef fective Way to Protect Children Essay1901 Words à |à 8 Pagesand television personalities fired, authors disinvited to speaking events, all because their words, opinions or shows did not agree with what a handful of people consider appropriate. One would think these types of situations regarding censorship happened decades ago, not in a time now, where people pride themselves on having an open-mind and the ability of forward thinking. However, censorship still prevails in America today, and not only censorship of pornography or violence on television, butRead MoreThe Freedom of Speech Essay1300 Words à |à 6 Pagesfree speech, much like when the PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center) fought diligently to get the government to mandate warning labels on media containing adult material and succeeded. However, in our society nowadays the enemy is the moderator. A government supported agency, the FCC, has violated the right of free speech from U.S. citizens by over-censoring the media along with also hurting American businesses by issuing outrageous fines to supposed ââ¬Å"offendersâ⬠without solid grounds to do so. The Federal
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Light of Trust Free Essays
The Light of Trust In his article ââ¬Å"A Shared Moment of Trustâ⬠Warren Christopher emphasizes the importance of being able to depend on and trust one another. He states three different examples, each of them showing how he had used the essential tool of ââ¬Å"Trustâ⬠for reaching success both in his work, personal and social relationships. First, he points out the meaning of reliance on one another in a simple situation as driving a car. We will write a custom essay sample on The Light of Trust or any similar topic only for you Order Now Driving alone down a dark road, one should have some faith towards other drivers, so that he will not be crushed. Secondly, he expresses his cooperative skills, how he managed to save fifty-two Americans lives, due to his will of believing and trusting even the people that he had never worked with before. Finally, Warren Christopher illustrates the importance of working together as a team, pointing out the fact of trust on each other saving thousands of lives. To my mind, trust, as a bridge, links individuals together to be a society. It improves a better outcome to be achieved in human being life. Although cheating is everywhere, and I was cheated by my close friend so as to doubt whether I should trust other people or not; finally, I persist my belief that I should trust, trust other people to make my world better. Trust is the reason why a baby stops crying when it is in his mothers embrace, because he knows she will tend to his needs. Trust is the reason a husband does not question his wifeââ¬â¢s whereabouts, because he believes her faithfulness. Trust is the reason a boss does not check behind the work of his employees, because he knows that they will do it to his standards. There are many reasons that highlight the importance of teamwork in the workplace. With suitable teamwork it is possible to decrease the amount of work that usually becomes one individualââ¬â¢s headache. At my workplace I used to share work between my co-workers. Sharing the workload helped me a lot as there is more focus on less things and the possibility of getting an assignment done earlier than expected. Teamwork also helped me with reducing my stress level. It is important that every employee feel that they are a part of the group. Customers and the community put trust in businesses and their methods by buying their products. Businesses trust fiduciaries that act for them by working with them to acquire their expertise. Even within a business there is trust in the form of employee-employer relationships. For example, employees trust that they will receive compensation for their work after certain time intervals or after producing certain units of outputs. If there is a lack of trust, these relationships will disintegrate and business efficiency will be reduced. Therefore, trust is a very important and powerful element of life. In every relationship, whether romantic, friendship, business or family, a degree of trust is needed in order for that relationship to be successful. How to cite The Light of Trust, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Marketing Sop Example free essay sample
India is said to be the growing economical superpower, which will open a huge opportunity in the Management of Science and Business at the same time making a rational decision of where to land after getting higher education. What kind of a higher education will enhance my knowledge, skill and capabilities to the best? To place myself according to the growing economy of India and to gain the maximum out of it I came to a decision of doing MBA in UK. As UK has always been a good source of in providing world class education, I am eager do my MBA from London School of Business and Finance in UK. I was always been supported by my family for doing something big. They provoked me in dreaming big. My career was taking shape when I was about to complete my Bachelors degree in Commerce. I was always interested in this field. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Sop Example or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I took a decision of doing MBA in Finance and Marketing. My short-term goal is to place myself as an efficient manager of a renowned organization where I can give a better shape to my skills and capabilities and to be in a process of continuous learning. However, my long-term goal is to set up a firm of my own, where I can put all the innovative ideas that I have. Before that I will have to prepare my self for being efficient in implementing those ideas, which is, indeed, not easy. When it comes of doing MBA in UK it always makes me feel proud. Doing MBA from there will not only provide me with lots of experience but I will also give an international exposure which will be a big plus point for attaining my career goals. It will help me learning things in a diverse environment. It will have positive impact on my life and values. MBA in UK is the best and it gives exposures to new avenues. I am looking forward to join London School of Business and finance (LSBF) and it will be great getting the degree from University of Wales from UK.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Persuasive Paper-Elder Abuse free essay sample
The seven main types of abuse include: physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial/material exploitation, neglect, sexual abuse, self-neglect, and abandonment (Sellas M. D). The exact definition of elder abuse entails: ââ¬Å"intentional actions that cause harm or create a serious risk of harm [â⬠¦] to a vulnerable elder by a caregiver or other person who stands in a trusted relationship to the elderâ⬠(Sellas M. D). Despite laws put in place to protect the elderly, state governments must enforce higher safety standards, and inform people through education about the effects of this abuse. In regard to the safety and good health of the elderly, many laws have already been put in place by the national and state governments. A majority of these laws seem very strict, precise, and straight to the point. For example, ABC News writer David Ruppe says: ââ¬Å"It can be as simple as a caretaker failing to protect a patient from another patientââ¬â¢s abuseâ⬠(Ruppe). We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Paper-Elder Abuse or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The laws in place, not only protect the patients from the abuse of a caretaker, but also protect them from patient-on-patient abuse. The article written by staff at ABC News also gives a fair representation of patient-on-patient reports: ââ¬Å"Stringent regulations require reporting even the most minor of incidents, such as one resident slapping anotherâ⬠(Ruppe). With these laws in place, they give a good piece of mind when thinking of the aged citizens that live in a nursing or care home. Although we have these laws in place, it does not completely ensure the safety and well-being of the elderly that they should protect. When national and state governments enforce laws, not only will senior citizens be far safer, but also nursing and care facilities will shed the dreadful reputation of being unsafe places to reside. Many people believe being placed in a nursing or care home means they donââ¬â¢t matter and what they think or say will no longer be considered. But the elderly do have feelings and thoughts, and when the government enforces laws, the elderly should feel better about receiving care. It all begins with the patients though; most of the seniors who currently receive care receive abuse as well, and they need to know how to make it stop. One Article Reports: ââ¬Å"For every reported incident of domestic elder abuse or neglect, approximately five go unreported, according to the Administration on Agingâ⬠(Elder and Nursing Home Abuse Violations). The national and state governments need to give elderly citizens more opportunities to speak out, and make sure the government enforces the laws. Also, nursing and care facilities often receive very little funding; this causes several problems in the system. For the facilities to shed their awful reputations, the government not only needs to enforce laws but also provide more funding. When the facilities obtain sufficient funding, it will create a better working atmosphere for the aides, and a better, safer atmosphere for the patients. ABC World News reported: ââ¬Å"Insufficient funding is very likely to be a cause of abuse and angerâ⬠(Ruppe). Funding, a major catalyst, will help to start the move towards a safer, more welcoming place for the elderly to receive care. Gaining awareness, receiving more funding, and enforcing laws to protect senior citizens, will move the fight against elder abuse in the right direction. Enforcing laws in nursing and care facilities will directly benefit both the elderly patients and the care physician. With laws enforced, and families and patients informed, a world of worry dissolves from the patient and the family. When patients and families donââ¬â¢t need to worry about the safety or livelihood in a nursing or care home, it benefits everyone. The census bureau states, ââ¬Å"According to the U. S. Census Bureau, people 65 years of age and older accounted for 12. 5% of the US population in 2000â⬠(Sellas M. D. ). It would be a huge relief for everyone if laws were enforced. Also, the work environment for the care and nursing physicians would greatly benefit from the enforcement of elder abuse safety regulations. As stated previously, most acts of violence in the nursing and care fields occur when employees collect low wages and feel miserable because of their working environment. When the government enforces laws, it creates a better working environment and then a safer environment for patients. In many cases, nurses and other caregivers may not know exactly what forms elder abuse can take. They need to be informed, in a variety of ways. According to the Oxford Journal, ââ¬Å"There is an annual world Elder Abuse Awareness Day and the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse has United Nations and World Health Organization supportâ⬠(McAlpine). National Elder Abuse Awareness day benefits people in so many ways because it can be used to educate family caregivers and nurses as well about the ill effects of Elder Abuse. State governments should make it a priority to inform the public about elder abuse, as well as enforce higher safety standards in care facilities. When national and state governments do the proper job, it will directly benefit everyone involved; first of all, it protects and benefits the elderly, as well as the nurses and caregivers. A better work environment will be another high priority achievement. By enforcing laws and informing the public, bad reputations of nursing homes go away, and it will create a better environment and benefit all parties. One article states: ââ¬Å"Almost a third of the nursing homes in the United States were cited for abuse violations during a two-year period ending on January 1, 2001â⬠(Elder and Nursing Home Abuse Violations). The elderly hold an important piece to the puzzle in our country, and deserve ample respect. So next time you hear a story on the news about abuse, or pass by a nursing or care facility, realize that your grandparents-the people you love- could be put in a dangerous situation, and make a pact to change things.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Joyce carol oates whereare you going where have you been essays
Joyce carol oates whereare you going where have you been essays Joyce Carol Oates short story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been takes up many troubling issues. Connie, the main charcter, who is fifteen exhibits the confusing, often superficial behavior typical of a teenage girl facing the difficult transition from girlhood to womanhood. She is rebellious, vain, self-centered, and deceitful. She is caught between her roles as a daughter, friend, sister, and object of sexual desire, uncertain of which one represents the real her; Everything about her had two sides to it, one for home and one for anywhere that was not home(426). She is deeply romantic, as shown by her awareness of popular song lyrics, but she is interested more in the concept of having a boyfriend than the boyfriend himself. Arnold Friend, young Connie's abductor and probable rapist-murderer, displays a satanic identity. Arnold is the incarnation of Connie's unconscious erotic desires and dreams, but in an uncontrollable nightmare form. The whole terrifying episode involving Arnold Friend is itself a dream, a fantasy that Connie falls into on a sleepy Sunday afternoon when she is left alone in the house and decides to spend the entire day drying her hair. First of all, Oates has made the willing suspension of disbelief somewhat easier by imparting to her story a dreamlike, unreal atmosphere that makes it possible for the reader to view Connie's scary encounter with Arnold as a dream-vision or daymare, one in which Connie's intense desire for total sexual experience runs headlong into her fear of such experience. For all the talk of sex and boys in the story, we have no clear evidence that Connie is not still a virgin. Sophisticated, yes but only in the most superficial ways, involving the heightening of her physical charms triple-x sex. Connies horror at Arnold Friend's direct solicitation I'll come inside you where it's all secret and you'll give in to me and you'll love me(433...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Service Approach through Production line approach in Delivery Essay
Service Approach through Production line approach in Delivery - Essay Example Production line approach remains dependable for the success of service operation in todayââ¬â¢s world. This is an approach where employees follow the set rules of customer approach as set by the operation management of that company. Notably, earlier business empires have written in favor of production line approach on customer service. This logic and tactics of manufacturing create a structured order on the service, which a certain company gives to its customers. It is relevant since a majority of the companies in the current world of business make profits out of it. Take for example a case where an employee encounters a business merchant and the customer is new to the products of that company. This is where production line approach comes in since the merchant will need a brief of the companyââ¬â¢s product. You will notice that in such situations, the operation management has structured down procedurals for its employeesââ¬â¢ to follow in the advent of such scenarios. It wou ld enlighten the client on the basic information, as the employees have to take customer service from stage to stage. The customer benefits from the time and maximum orientation before transactions are sealed. As this is not enough, if a customer establishes himself as regular to a certain service business line, the employee production line approach have to work in favor of the customer until he or she gets are needs well catered satisfactorily. The traditional view of such an approach is that the operational management perceives and believes that when you put your employees into the specialization of their labor, there are economic benefits in it. Through such an operation, the chain of flow on how customers get services is convenient and even creating a non-confusing environment for the customers. This all happens because of the structured procedurals. The success of service industry can multiply with production line approach. The system encourages breaking down of Jobs into multi ple tasks. The positions are then redistributed to employees with each assigned the magnitude of his services (Bowen, 2003:4). Just as the way production industries have broken down their lines of production, the service operation get alike. The employees are assigned areas where they would specialize hence perfecting their skills and register to use upon the customers. The production line of service delivery through specialization makes the quality of customer service efficient. The aim is to reduce wasteful efforts in employees and maximizes greater efficiency. According to Taylor, the procedure focuses on economic achievement as simplicity invents in work delivery. As a
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
HNC Electrical Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
HNC Electrical Engineering - Essay Example Fortescue, who introduced the method around 1918.....(1) However, it remained difficult to understand the three-phase system working under this concept, as any change in the voltage or current in any single phase could result in the corresponding changes in other two phases as well. Therefore, only two-phase alternating current was used in the power systems and it had 90-degree difference between the phases.(2n) Hence the two-phase power-generating concept was developed. However, we have evidence of using two-phase generators by connecting two single-phase ones, as early as 1890s........(2) In simpler terms, three-phase power system is the one that uses three different wires. One wire can be a neutral cable, which facilitates the system to use higher voltages while transmitting low voltages in domestic appliances. However, those machines that use high voltage allocations, the neutral cable requirement is not there as negligible loads are connected between the phases. In three phase power systems the power load is well distributed, as all the three wires have same magnitude of current with balance power load. Most of the countries have their own color-coding of the wires to distinguish the same in case of repairs. The three-phase power system is the widely used power in all industries, as it has balanced power load with uniform phase angle difference. However, the requirement of the household appliances and applications can be met with the single or two-phase systems as well. All electric motors are the fine example of three-phase power usage, as a three phase induction motor runs efficiently and has high starting torque with trouble-free design. The application of such motors can be found in fans, blowers, compressors etc. While these are medium and large size motors, application of very small three phase motors can be found in computer fans etc. The main advantage
Monday, November 18, 2019
United States Postal Service Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
United States Postal Service - Case Study Example Rather, it creates revenues out of its sale of postage stamps, products and services. Over the last 2 years (2007-2008), the USPS has been hit by increase in cost of postage stamps, cost of deliveries and shipments and the increasing tendency of people to use email to send messages rather than posting letters or cards. It has absorbed a loss of $5.3 million in 2007 and $2.8 million in 2008, leaving it strapped for cash and increasing the possibilities of bankruptcy or business failure. This has been eating into its retained earnings for the period (David, 81). Meanwhile its revenues stand at $75 million and though it has cut back on employees and increased the number of points served, this is not translating into an increase in profitability, mainly due to the rise in costs. USPS clearly needs to follow the lead of its competitors UPS and Fedex, who have leaner and more profitable operations. Its service agreements with them need to be scrapped. USPS also needs to reduce the number of service outlets it has which will reduce the cost of maintaining them. At best one service location per district will work fine. It needs to adopt a centralized system. The internal analysis for USPS shows that it is suffering from many problems. Its employee unions have been successful in bargaining for compensation and benefits, while the employees have been working less hours due to lack of work. As 52 percent of its revenues derive from first class mail, a decline in this volume has affected its revenues. Meanwhile the fact that its Board is appointed by the President and its prices are regulated by CPI, there is a double bind on USPS in that it cannot increase its prices beyond a certain limit. The separation of business into market regulated and Government regulated areas has been the death knell for USPS (David, 83). No organization can be run as a combination private and public enterprise- it is either one or the other. In spite of all its efforts,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Benefits of Personalised Geriatric Care
Benefits of Personalised Geriatric Care INTRODUCTION It is always best to provide an intervention to every issue that is seen. In relation to the common Geriatric problems, there are different approaches in the planning of care depending on the needs of every individual. Personalized care is being promoted and executed to further and better assist every individual who goes through such kinds of condition. In the planning of care for the Geriatric patients, there are two kinds of approaches. These two are the Person Centered Approach and the Non-Person Centered Approach. The Person Centered Approach focuses on the basis of individuality regardless of the personsââ¬â¢ cognitive status, age, race and even gender. In this approach, every elder is subject to the care they need and what is due to them. The healthcare provider in this case should thoroughly identify and gather data to ensure that proper treatment and therapeutic approaches are being executed. What I best int his approach is that, there is no standard criteria for someone with a geriatric condition to be able to fit in. This is basically open to those who need it. On the other hand, the Non-Person Centered Approach has different goals and perspective. They focus on something in general rather than the person as a whole. Their intention is to help alleviate the condition of those elders with Geriatric problems, However, their approach is not directly on the elders. Rather, it depends on the mission and vision of their agency. Aside from the different approaches in handling Geriatric problems, there are principles that Healthcare providers must observe. The importance of these principles and the impact it can create in the development of the elders with geriatric problems. In this research, techniques and abilities will also be discussed. The different kinds of techniques that can be used to benefit the elders will be elaborated. This will gain advantage on both the Healthcare provider and the elders. Considering the equality and Cultural aspects of the community, this will surely make an impact to elders with Dementia or other common Geriatric problems. Because this can create an impact on the lives of these elders, it is best to be aware of such things. TASK There are different principles involved in the person-centered approach for elders with Dementia and other common Geriatric conditions. These principles will aid every individual that is involved in the management of such conditions. Individuality In individuality, histories are being thoroughly reviewed in order for the healthcare providers to specifically know the kind of treatment or therapeutic management the elders might need. Data are being gathered from the significant others regarding about the specific lifestyle an habitual behaviour of the elder. Since this is individualized, the planning of treatment in this case is basically personalized. What may work for elder 1 may not work for elder 2 because both elders may have different experiences and environmental factors that caused their condition. Also, each elder have different needs and it is the duty of the health care providers to determine the appropriate approach. Rights We certainly consider that every individual has their own rights regardless of their status. In this approach we promote that despite the elderââ¬â¢s condition, we should take into consideration that they deserve to be treated right. And in this way, elders with Dementia or other common geriatric conditions are being protected and they receive the treatment that they truly deserve. Despite their condition, these elders are still human thus, they needed to be treated well. Choice The facility in this kind of approach gives the elders the right to choose what they think is best for them. Theyââ¬â¢re being given the option to choose for themselves. In this way, they have the freedom to voice out their own preferences. The elderââ¬â¢s choice be a large undertaking or small undertakings. In the large undertakings, for instance, elders may choose to sign the ââ¬Å"Do not Resuscitateâ⬠waiver. They have every right to do that for themselves. On the other hand, the small undertaking may include choosing what to wear for that day, the colour of shirt they prefer, whether or not they want a jacket or a raincoat on a rainy day. In this way we are giving the elders to be responsible and make them feel that they are not worthless. This will help them feel that they have the control over their life. Privacy Privacy is not disclosing any information outside of the Health care institution. Information is only being discussed within the circle of the involved health care practitioners. Families are given the assurance that whatever condition the elder has will only be made known to those professionals involved in the treatment. Practitioners may only disclose some information once the family has given them the consent to do so. Independence Independence is one of the goals in the management of elders with dementia and other common geriatric conditions. Some people may think that this is quite impossible to attain, but with the constant assistance elders get from health care practitioners, this is achievable. Health care providers must identify certain situations in which elders may find themselves dependent. Once the health care provider has figured out the elders dependence, it is where the health care provider will make a strategy to assist the elder in achieving his/her independence. This may take a long process thatââ¬â¢s why it is best to set goals that are attainable. Dignity Another goal in the management of elders with dementia is the promotion of their dignity. Healthcare providers must promote that despite the elderââ¬â¢s situation they still need to be respected as human beings. Promotion of dignity makes them worth as a person. Respect Respect is very important in the management of elders with dementia. They should be treated with transparency to further avoid the deterioration of the elder. This will also help ensure that elders are not confused. Respect is the summation of all the person-centered approach. Autonomy Every person is subject to their own preference. Since we all have this kind of rights, even elders with dementia should have autonomy. In this way, we are guiding them in deciphering what kind of outcome they want for themselves. The non-person centered approach to dementia and the Institutional Perspective and the Bio-Medical Perspective. The Institutional perspective focuses on the policies, rules and regulations in order to maintain the normal function of the physical aspect of the elders with dementia. Aside from the physical aspect, this approach is also taking part in the social and spiritual aspect of the person. On the other hand, the Bio-Medical Perspectiveââ¬â¢s main focus is the disease process. This perspective is concerned more of the prevention and alleviation of the common geriatric conditions. They are not in any way relating their efforts to the family or to any healthcare providers. They are more concern of the medications that elders needs, the diagnostic tests to further detect the progression of the disease or even the treatments needed to aid the elders with their condition. To maintain the condition of elders with dementia, there are techniques that are being used. Among are the following: Reality-orientation Approach This approach focuses on what is going on around the world. The objective data that clients must know such as the date, time, day, year and even the weather. To confirm this to the clientââ¬â¢s we must provide evidence such as newspaper, television news and all the like. Validation Approach The focus of this approach is to validate the emotional content of the person. Healthcare providers are looking into what the client is feeling about a certain given situation. It is here that we can check if the expression matches the content of his/her emotions. Assistive Technologies It is in this approach that clients are being assisted in a way that health care provider brings the world to them. Due to their condition, most often they already forgot how it was to live a life that is normal. Through this kind of approach, the elders will gain more hope, better self-esteem thus resulting to sociable elders. Reminiscence Techniques This will help the clients exercise their memories. In this technique, the clients are given the chance to share their experiences in life. The things theyââ¬â¢ve gone through and the memorable events in their lives. This is a good measurement of the retained past memories of the elders. Holistic Approach This approach focuses on the person as a whole. This includes the different aspect of the personââ¬â¢s life. The physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspect of the elder is given importance. These four aspects are being given attention and goes hand in hand in the process of holistic approach. The Public Health has attributed a lot in the management of Dementia. In the Public health, the government funds the programme that is being presented. In a way, this funding will result to an evidence-based practice. This will further develop the management techniques for elders with dementia and other common geriatric health conditions. By doing this, both government and the public and the Institutions will know what is effective and what is not. Also, they are making the public know and become aware of what is happening in the world of the elders with dementia. Making the public become aware of dementiaââ¬â¢s nature will help distinguish the early signs of it and prevent it from worsening. Awareness of this condition is their way of making it known to everyone that Dementia is something everyone should never neglect because this just doesnââ¬â¢t affect the person having it but it makes a great impact in the community. Also, health promotions have been made to help reduce the incident of complications of dementia. The healthcare providerââ¬â¢s attitudes should be taken into consideration. They should instil in their minds that positive attitude attracts positive results, so as negative attitude attracts negative ones. Healthcare providers exist to provide the care that elders with dementia need but not to worsen their condition by the way they treat the elders. Providers must be patient enough and smart enough to think that these elders donââ¬â¢t intend to complicate the situation but itââ¬â¢s simply a given fact that elders with these kinds of conditions arenââ¬â¢t aware of the things they do. Healthcare providers are in demand in this case due to the massive growth of older adults. Older generation are being outgrown by the new ones. And itââ¬â¢s now time to pay back to these elders what theyââ¬â¢ve done. The code of practice and other published standards has created a great impact in the lives of those individuals with dementia and other common geriatric health conditions. This benefited most on the person centered approach. The impact created was directly received by the recipient, the elders with dementia and other geriatric conditions. The code of practice has impacted the elders in a way that despite their condition, they are still being protected. We are all aware that elders who possess these kinds of condition are primarily affected on their brain, specifically their memory. Without memory, they are all like physical humans who just wander and donââ¬â¢t know where their lives are leading. But because of the concern and initiative of others for these elders, theyââ¬â¢ve set standards for them that while theyââ¬â¢re losing their memory theyââ¬â¢re not losing their humanity. This wonââ¬â¢t give impact to the elders now but also to the next generations of growing elders. This has made a way for everyone to be aware that every human has their rights and that no one being left behind. The health sector standards have gained the cooperation of every healthcare provider in providing the right management to elders with dementia and other common geriatric conditions. Moreover, the code of practice has benefitted both the residents and the healthcare providers. To the residents, the code of standards has become their protection from any malpractices. While on the other hand, the code of standard is the guide of the health care providers to do things in the right way and to avoid committing any malpractice that will affect the condition of the elders. These health sector standards and code of standards and other published standards has benefited the person-centered approach because the standardsââ¬â¢cncern are primarily for the purpose of the residents safety as well as the health care providers. This is the only approach that itââ¬â¢s only the resident and the health care providers that are involved. Unlike other approaches which does not directly involves the residents. CONCLUSION In conclusion, this paper has enumerated the different principles involved in the person centered approach that gives benefit to both the residents and the health care providers. This paper primarily focuses about the protection and rights of the elders with dementia and other geriatric conditions, how the different approaches work and the benefits it has for the elders. Aside from the primary focus of protecting and promoting the rights of these elders, the healthcare providers are at the same time being guided on how to do things right and possibly rule out malpractices to happen. One way or the other, both parties can benefit from the different approaches, range of techniques, the different public health promotions and attitudes to health and the demand for more health care. RECOMMENDATION This paper will increase the awareness of the principles of the person centered approach, non-person centered approach, range of techniques used to meet the needs of persons with dementia, the impacts of public health and attitudes to health and demand for healthcare to those individuals whose family members has been affected by these common geriatric conditions. However, itââ¬â¢s not enough to make the awareness limited to those individuals that are being affected by this phenomenon. Itââ¬â¢s always best to make it known to the public because no one knows whoââ¬â¢s going to be the next victim. As what they always say the ââ¬Å"prevention is better than cure.â⬠Being aware is a way of making a step of preventing things to affect you. Although we donââ¬â¢t always have the control over things, but at least, having the knowledge of these kinds of things will lighten up the load and will help managing easier. These information ill help anybody know how things work especially to elders with dementia and other geriatric health conditions. BIBLIOGRAPHY/ REFERENCES Halura, M. (2002). Dementia in New Zealand: Improving Quality in Residential Care. Retrieved from http://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/healthreportdementia.pdf
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Model Theory Of Dedekind Algebras :: Algebra Mathematics Essays
The Model Theory Of Dedekind Algebras ABSTRACT: A Dedekind algebra is an ordered pair (B, h) where B is a non-empty set and h is a "similarity transformation" on B. Among the Dedekind algebras is the sequence of positive integers. Each Dedekind algebra can be decomposed into a family of disjointed, countable subalgebras which are called the configurations of the algebra. There are many isomorphic types of configurations. Each Dedekind algebra is associated with a cardinal value function called the confirmation signature which counts the number of configurations in each isomorphism type occurring in the decomposition of the algebra. Two Dedekind algebras are isomorphic if their configuration signatures are identical. I introduce conditions on configuration signatures that are sufficient for characterizing Dedekind algebras uniquely up to isomorphisms in second order logic. I show Dedekind's characterization of the sequence of positive integers to be a consequence of these more general results, and use configuration signat ures to delineate homogeneous, universal and homogeneous-universal Dedekind algebras. These delineations establish various results about these classes of Dedekind algebras including existence and uniqueness. 1. INTRODUCTION One of the more striking accomplishments of foundational studies prior to 1930 was the characterization of various mathematical systems uniquely up to isomorphism (see Corcoran [1980]). Among the first systems to receive such a characterization is the sequence of the positive integers. Both Dedekind and Peano provided characterizations of this system in the late 1880's. Dedekind's characterization commenced by considering B, a non-empty set, and h, a "similar transformation" on B (i.e. an injective unary function on B). In deference to Dedekind, the ordered pair B = (B,h) is called a Dedekind algebra. While the study of Dedekind algebras can naturally be viewed as a continuation of Dedekind's work, the focus here is different. Rather than investigating whether a particular Dedekind algebra (the sequence of the positive integers) is characterizable, we proceed by investigating conditions on Dedekind algebras which imply that they are characterizable. In the following we review some of the results obtained in the model theory of Dedekind algebras and discuss some of their consequences. These results are stated without proofs. Weaver [1997a] and [1997b] provide the details of these proofs. Attention is restricted here to the model theory of the second order theories of Dedekind algebras. Weaver [1998] focuses on the model theory of the first order theories of these algebras. 2. CONFIGURATIONS Given a Dedekind algebra B = (B,hB), AB is the transitive closure of hB.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Importance of Communication Skills
STUDENT NAME: NYAGOL ONYANGO BRIAN ADM NO. :EC/16/11 COURSE CODE: IRD 107 COURSE TITLE:COMMUNICATION SKILLS WORK:ASSIGNMENT. TITLE:IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS TO A UNIVERSITY STUDENT LECTURER: MR. KHWALIA DATE OF SUBMISSION: â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦/â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.. /â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ STUDENT SIGNATURE: â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS TO A UNIVERSITY STUDENT. Communication skills are the skills that every individual requires in order to send information to an audience in the most efficient way and receive information from a sender and interpret it correctly. A university student is in dire need of good communication skills to help him/ her undertake all fields of activities in the university including social and academic fields. This is because he/ she will be required to communicate in the most accurate and efficient way to make sure that the information sent or received is perceived in the intended manner. To start with, communications skills will help a student to have good listening habits in class. This will ensure that the student gunners a lot from what he/ she is taught in class since she learns to fully concentrate in the lectures and their subsequent subject matter. Among the skills that will help the student is listening carefully, asking questions, requesting for clarification, responding accordingly, among other things. Communication skills will be very vital for any university student who is a leader. To ensure that all their followers and supporters get them clearly, and interpret their words, gestures and facial expressions correctly, the student has to know how and when to apply these in the communication process. Without appropriate communication skills, the students may risk losing supporters or derailing the peopleââ¬â¢s confidence in him/ her. The life of a student in the university involves entry into various offices like deansââ¬â¢ offices, lecturersââ¬â¢ offices, Vice Chancellorsââ¬â¢ offices, security offices and so on. The student will only get the expected information from the people he/ she finds in the offices if only appropriate communication skills are employed. The student has to ensure that the correct enquiry or question is asked. The student has to give full details of events especially in security offices when reporting a case in order for the correct follow up to be undertaken. Academic life of a university student also entails discussion, public speaking and presentation or research projects and group assignments. The student with good communication skills will deliver his/ her content correctly, in a chronologically planned order and confidently in front of other students. This will ensure that fear in him/ her does not distract the audience from getting the message being communicated by the student. Lack of communication skills may make the student express the information wrongly and hence wrongly interpreted by the audience. Communication skills are also vital to university students in their social relations to their fellows. This comes whenever there is any disagreement on an issue, an extended argument, or a conflict between two or more students. Good communication skills help in conflict resolution and effecting negotiations. When communication skills are implemented at such times, several damages are barred such as fights, insults and even mob actions. For example a student resolving conflict between two other students will ask questions from both parties and evaluate their responses effectively in order to come up with the best solution which suits both parties. University students stay together like four or three students in one room. Angry face all the time, quarrelling at high tones, making noise, are examples of lack communication skills that interfere with the harmonious living if such students together. However, absence of these will leave the students at ease in living together with one another and make them be able to communicate effectively and assist each other in many ways. In conclusion, communication skills are as well important to a university student as academic skills. It is evident that without good communication skills, a student may not be able to acquire knowledge effectively, may get into dangers of misunderstanding and commotions, not get intended replies in university offices, lead an unsuitable social life and many other disadvantages. All students should therefore strive to equip themselves with appropriate communication skills to ease their academic and social life in the university.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Counseling Psychology Essays
Counseling Psychology Essays Counseling Psychology Paper Counseling Psychology Paper Richard is a 44 year old man who has been refereed to our agency for counseling by his doctor. Richardââ¬â¢s doctor believes he has a major drinking problem. Counseling sessions with Richard will be conducted in separate categories of psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural paradigms. The case study will help Richard and his counselors develop specific prevention, intervention, and treatment resources. Psychodynamic Paradigm Psychodynamics is defined as, ââ¬Å"the mental and emotional process underlying human behavior and its motivation, esp. as developed unconsciously in response to environmental influencesâ⬠(Websterââ¬â¢s 1982, p. 1147). In other words, psychodynamics is predominately concerned with unconscious conflict, until Erik Erikson came along. Erikson, a Neo-Freudian, came up with his own theory of development in psychodynamics called ââ¬Å"psychosocialâ⬠(Funder 1997, p. 270). Eriksonââ¬â¢s theory of psychosocial stages expands on Freudââ¬â¢s psychosexual stages as the basis of unconscious conflicts. Moreover, Erikson believes that ââ¬Å"the ego does not just mediate between id impulses and superego demands. It is also a positive force in development. At each stage, it acquires attitudes and skills that make the individual an active, contributing member of societyâ⬠(Berk 2001, 17). Thus, Ericson postulates the not all differences occur in the unconscious area of the mind- many conflicts are conscious. Richard has many identifiable unconscious and conscious conflicts going on in his mind. When a doctor announces that you have a drinking problem, the accused usually does not agree with the diagnosis. But when a professional mental health worker illustrates a number of specific factors that identify alcohol as a disease, the drinker begins to believe their problem is real. If you want to convince an alcoholic that they have a problem, you must get passed their denial. In addition, if the worker wants to treat the alcoholic, a problem has to be acknowledged by the drinker. My first step is to conduct an open-ended interview with Richardââ¬â¢s father. The premise for this interview is to gather as much information on Richard as possible to gauge the truthfulness of his story and to see if there is any family history of drinking problems. Richardââ¬â¢s father agrees that he may be to blame for the abandonment of Richard at the age of ten, but accepts no responsibility for Richardââ¬â¢s drinking problem or interpersonal relationship failures. Next, I got Richardââ¬â¢s previous medical records sent to me so I could go over his past case history. I ordered medical tests and an MRI to see if Richards liver, kidneys, or brain function has been damaged by the drinking. Finally, I sat down with Richard for his interview. During the interview I notice Richard is trying to project his problems on others instead of taking responsibility for his actions. Richard denies he has a drinking problem and blames his inconsistent behavior on depression. I allowed Richard to ââ¬Å"free associateâ⬠the rest of his story to me. The prodromal stages leading up to the numerous disruptions in Richardââ¬â¢s personal and business life lead to the conclusion that Richard is in a mild for form of delusion as well. According to statistics in the United States on alcoholism and drinking: ââ¬Å"14% of men are heavy drinkersâ⬠and ââ¬Å"about one-third of these are alcoholicsâ⬠(Berk 2001, p. 433). Berk goes on to point out that, ââ¬Å"Alcohol acts as a depressant, impairing the ability of the brain to control thought and action. In heavy drinkers, it relieves guilt and anxiety. â⬠John Higgins supports Berkââ¬â¢s analogy in his journal publication Psychodynamics in the excessive drinking of alcohol. Higginââ¬â¢s concurs that ââ¬Å"excessive drinking functions as a defense mechanism against anxietyâ⬠(p. 713). In other words, denial, Richardââ¬â¢s defense mechanism in his case, is leading to his delusion that depression is the cause of his problems with anxiety when in reality it is his alcoholism. Erikson uses his psychosocial stages of psychodynamics to explain Richardââ¬â¢s inconsistent behavior throughout his life. At the age of 9-11 years old Richard will go through Eriksonââ¬â¢s theory of industry versus inferiority (Berk 2001, p. 320). The origins of Richardââ¬â¢s problems started in late childhood when his mother died and his father sent him away to boarding school. According to Sandra Hutchison she, ââ¬Å"applies Eriksonââ¬â¢s psychosocial stages of ego development to the understanding of childrenââ¬â¢s reactions to traumatic incidentsâ⬠(2005, p. 174). The risk at this age is to gravitate towards an inferior and pessimistic outlook towards responsibility and moral obligations. It does appear that Richard did get affected by the traumatic events of his mother dying and his father abandoning him to acquire separation anxiety that led him to become an adult alcoholic. Richardââ¬â¢s problems carried through to middle adulthood. Alcoholism tends to run in families, is biological and psychological, and influenced by social factors and relationships (Oltmanns, Emerey, Taylor 2002, p. 382-383). Erikson labeled this stage of his theory generativity versus stagnation. In this stage of Eriksonââ¬â¢s theory the middle aged adult decides to mix inner desires with cultural demands to prepare for the next generation. In Richardââ¬â¢s situation, there seems to be little self interest in external community welfare. For the time being Richard is completely focused on his self interests and over indulgence in alcoholism. According to Charles Slater there are seven psychosocial conflicts that give breadth to the central crisis in This stage of Eriksonââ¬â¢s theory that include: 1. Inclusivity vs exclusivity. 2. Pride vs embarrassment. 3. Responsibility vs ambivalence. 4. Career productivity vs inadequacy. 5. Parenthood vs self-absorption. 6. Being needed vs alienation. 7. Honesty vs denial (2003, p. 53). As you can see from the description of Richardââ¬â¢s case story, he is in the negative field of all these identified categories of Slater. In other words, Richard is in Eriksonââ¬â¢s stagnant part of the stage. Connecting Eriksonââ¬â¢s late childhood theory to his middle adulthood theory sheds some light on the situation Richard faces. Richard will need an extensive and intense treatment plan to overcome his deep rooted alcoholic problems. How will Richardââ¬â¢s treatment structure proceed? First, Richard will be required to attend a 30 day alcohol treatment center. Second, Richard will require continued counseling sessions upon completion of his 30 treatment stay. A pilot study done by Daniel Coleman, that integrates psychodynamic theory with cognitive behavioural theory, will be used in conjunction with contemporary psychodynamic therapy to monitor Richard on a weekly basis (2005, p. 206). Third, with the recent empirical hypothesis confirmation of ââ¬Å"unconscious mental processes and phenomenon such as repression and transferenceâ⬠(Funder 1997, p. 280), Richard would benefit from psychoanalytic therapy based on theories of childhood attachment to adult patterns of inter-relations of dysfunctional romances. My prognosis for Richard is deferred for the moment; however, his situation does look good if he is open to the treatment suggestions and lifestyle changes recommended in this case study. It will be a long road of recovery for Richard. Cognitive Behavioral Perspective Cognitive Behavioral Paradigm is defined as, ââ¬Å"behavioral processes that underlie learningâ⬠(Oltmanns, Emery and Taylor 2002, p. 39). Oltmanns et el goes on to list the influences of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as originating on the introspection of William Wundt and influenced by Ivan Pavlov (classical conditioning), B. F. Skinner (operant conditioning), and John B. Watson ( behaviorism). However, social learning theories such as J. B. Rotter and Albert Banduraââ¬â¢s, brought CBT into the current research era. Todayââ¬â¢s psychologists and counselors may define the complex paradigm cognitive psychology as, ââ¬Å"patterns of individual differences in behavior and the psychological processes behind them,â⬠(Funder 1997, p. 409), as an accurate description of current CBT. Since its early influence the importance of cognitive processes in learning has been identified and ââ¬Å"behavioralâ⬠has been modified to ââ¬Å"cognitive. â⬠Today CBT is ââ¬Å"the scientific study of mental processâ⬠that ââ¬Å"account for human behaviorâ⬠(Hunt, Ellis 1999, p. 32). Richard has many obvious problems that can be categorized as ââ¬Å"learnedâ⬠and ââ¬Å"cognitive. â⬠When Richard was abandoned by his father after his motherââ¬â¢s death, he learned how to cognitively detach his feelings from loved ones. CBT would suggest that people like Richard who suffer mood swings are affecting their encoding, retrieval, and schema network of memory and facilitating a cognitive break from their emotional state. In other words, Richard is his own worst enemy. The mental processing of Richardââ¬â¢s mind also affects his perception. Thus, his cognitive melt down of three failed marriages, abusive nature, and excessive job firings and demotions, are all comorbid with Richardââ¬â¢s main disorder of alcoholism. Three areas of the memory and one area of information processing have been identified in cognitive psychology: Short term, working, and long term memory along with the sensory/perception (where veridical information is processed) buffer. Some of the possible etiological causes are rather complex in Richardââ¬â¢s past memories. The tragic incident of his motherââ¬â¢s death encountered as a developing young child is obviously the start of Richardââ¬â¢s deep rooted processing problems. First, I believe that the core cognitive problem for Richard is PTSD from the motherââ¬â¢s death. Second, the complex nature behind PTSD makes the disorder cyclical. Is it the traumatic event which caused Richard to become a cognitive processing mess and an alcoholic; or, is it Richardââ¬â¢s premorbid personality characteristics that caused the alcoholism? Third, in my opinion because Richard shows no previous history of psychological problems before his motherââ¬â¢s death, and due to the fact that all his problems seem to generate from that one incident, I see his alcoholic disorder, and the cognitive processing failures of his memory influence on current decisions, being a direct relation to his tragic memory of his motherââ¬â¢s death, and future abandonment by his father, to be the motive and underlying reasons to the pathology behind his alcoholism. Richardââ¬â¢s mental processing of events seems to be mixed with faulty memory dispensation, PTSD, and poor judgment. Treatment will need to function from a new set of developed strategies for Richard in CBT. The recommended treatment plan for Richard will begin with short term motivational therapy (STMT). Because Richard was ten years old when the tragic event occurred, and no Critical Incident Stress Debriefing took place at the time, Richard will need STMT to recognize the severity of his problem(s). Next, Richard will undergo a new PTSD screening test developed by Rachael Kimerling et el called the Validation of a brief screen for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder with substance use disorder patients (2006, p. 2074). Following the STMT Richard will require intense coping skills training and relapse prevention techniques therapy. Richard should also be put in Aversion Therapy (Oltmanns, Emery, Taylor 2002, p. 85), so his alcoholism can be associated with the unpleasant consequences of his behavior where his sight, smell, and taste of alcohol are paired with the nausea. Furthermore, I would like to see Richard join an alcoholicââ¬â¢s anonymous group. I believe that once the PTSD is dealt with, as Sudie Back et el confirmed in their study Symptom Improvement in Co-Occurring PTSD and Alcohol Dependence, that the alcoholism will be reduced to an after affect of the larger problem. Moreover, Back et el backs up my diagnosis by stating, ââ¬Å"PTSD had a greater impact on improvement in alcohol dependence symptoms than the reciprocal relationshipâ⬠(2006, p. 690). If the alcoholism remains as the excuse for Richardââ¬â¢s destructive behavior after the PTSD has been immobilized, I will recommend future treatments. Richard went a long time without help; however, the good news is that the treatment for PTSD clients has a high outcome of success (Oltmanns, Emery, Taylor 2002, p. 245) once a resolution and strategic treatment plan for the symptoms is put into motion. I expect Richard to make a noticeable recovery in his cognitive processing activities a year from now. At that point I will reassess Richardââ¬â¢s treatment. Analytical Comparison On the one hand, psychodynamics does not originate from empirical evidence; cognitive theories do. Psychodynamics postulates that sexuality is the basis for unconscious conflicts; cognitive psychology disagrees. Psychodynamics relies on human interpretation of dream analysis and other psychoanalytic treatments; cognitive psychology is backed with experimental qualitative and quantitative data. On the other hand, psychodynamics raises some questions that border on genius; while cognitive therapy (the most popular in psychology today) is deluged with redundant questions and experiments bordering over-kill. Psychodynamics is beginning to empirically test and answer some of the questions it raises; cognitive theory seems to be raising more questions than it can answer. In the end, each theory has its positive and negative points; the disorder, and the person, will have to decide which therapy to choose. References Back, S et el 2006, ââ¬ËSymptom Improvement in Co-Occurring PTSD and Alcohol Dependenceââ¬â¢, Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseaseââ¬â¢, Vol 194 (9), pp. 690-696. Berk, L 2001, Development Through the Lifespan, 2nd edn, Allyn Bacon, Boston. Coleman, D 2005, ââ¬ËPsychodynamic and cognitive mechanisms of change in adult therapy: A pilot studyââ¬â¢, Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, Vol 69 (3), pp. 209-219.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on John Wooden
Wooden John Wooden shares the important personal philosophies that helped make him the winningest college coach of all time. Woodenââ¬â¢s codes are of the traditional kind, centering on family, faith, friends off the court and organization, dedication, and preparation on the hardwood. This look talks about more than just basketball. It talks about the most important game of all- life. It teaches you that hard work and determination can get you anywhere. It also teaches you lessons on life that will make you a great player and person. John Robert Wooden was born on October 10, 1910 in Martinsville, Indiana. He is the son of Joshua and Roxie Anna Wooden. John is a big family man, and itââ¬â¢s a good thing because he has a large family. Shortly after high school, he married his sweetheart Nell, they had two children, son James and daughter Nancy. He also has seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. In high school John led Martinsville High to the 1927 Indiana State title. John went on to Purdue University where he earned All-American honors as a point guard from 1930-1932. He also led Purdue to the National Championship and later named College Basketball Player of the Year in 1932. After turning down a chance to play professional so he could be closer to his family. John decided to teach and coach at a high school. John had a few more coaching jobs before he landed the one at UCLA. Coach Wooden led UCLA to an unprecedented ten NCAA Basketball Championships in 12 years, including seven in a row. J ohn Wooden became the first player ever to be inducted into the National Basketball Hall of Fame as both a player (1960) and a coach in 1972 and retired in 1975 with a 40-year coaching record of 885-203, the winningest record in the history of basketball. John Wooden was raised on a farm in Indiana. His parents, Joshua and Roxie Anna, taught John from the time he was young how to act and treat others. John learned how to be ... Free Essays on John Wooden Free Essays on John Wooden Wooden John Wooden shares the important personal philosophies that helped make him the winningest college coach of all time. Woodenââ¬â¢s codes are of the traditional kind, centering on family, faith, friends off the court and organization, dedication, and preparation on the hardwood. This look talks about more than just basketball. It talks about the most important game of all- life. It teaches you that hard work and determination can get you anywhere. It also teaches you lessons on life that will make you a great player and person. John Robert Wooden was born on October 10, 1910 in Martinsville, Indiana. He is the son of Joshua and Roxie Anna Wooden. John is a big family man, and itââ¬â¢s a good thing because he has a large family. Shortly after high school, he married his sweetheart Nell, they had two children, son James and daughter Nancy. He also has seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. In high school John led Martinsville High to the 1927 Indiana State title. John went on to Purdue University where he earned All-American honors as a point guard from 1930-1932. He also led Purdue to the National Championship and later named College Basketball Player of the Year in 1932. After turning down a chance to play professional so he could be closer to his family. John decided to teach and coach at a high school. John had a few more coaching jobs before he landed the one at UCLA. Coach Wooden led UCLA to an unprecedented ten NCAA Basketball Championships in 12 years, including seven in a row. J ohn Wooden became the first player ever to be inducted into the National Basketball Hall of Fame as both a player (1960) and a coach in 1972 and retired in 1975 with a 40-year coaching record of 885-203, the winningest record in the history of basketball. John Wooden was raised on a farm in Indiana. His parents, Joshua and Roxie Anna, taught John from the time he was young how to act and treat others. John learned how to be ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Strategic decion making for a company in crisis Assignment
Strategic decion making for a company in crisis - Assignment Example However, American car makers also felt the sharp punch of economic slowdown. Another reason for weakening of the automobile industry was the rising fuel prices round the world. This was linked to the energy crisis of 2003-2008. This discouraged the customers to buy Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs), as these vehicles were not fuel efficient. The big three automakers in America, General Motors, Chrysler and Ford had to shift their focus to manufacturing trucks or fuel efficient cars due to shifting focus of the customers. As in 2008 situations were turning critical, so the prices of the raw materials were also increasing (Jansen ââ¬Å"Why the UKââ¬â¢s Auto Industry Remains Crisis Freeâ⬠). The impact of the global financial crisis was more on the automobile sector than on the housing and financing sector. The first reason was the big three automakers of America were running with life-support or financial aid from the US government. The credit market had frozen, so the orders were being cancelled, the plants were being shut temporarily and the suppliers were not paid their invoices. The debt loads were increasing and the high labor cost was an additional pressure for the companies, surviving in this environment. The second reason was the high internal cost and increasing longevity of the two wheelers led the customers to delay their car purchase (Sturgeon and Biesebroeck ââ¬Å"Strategic Decision-Makingâ⬠3-4). Thus the demands for four wheelers were neither getting created nor were the ordered cars sold. Moreover, in US the people were not receiving car loans to buy cars because of the sub-prime crisis, so the customers were reluctant to buy cars solely with thei r savings. This was the reason why the sales figure plunged too (Zeese ââ¬Å"The Causes of the Auto Crisisâ⬠). The major effect of the automobile crisis was felt in United States and in Canada. The weakening of the sector was due to the increasing prices of spare parts and
Saturday, November 2, 2019
In The Cask of Amontillado Edgar Allen Poe uses symbolism, humor, and Essay
In The Cask of Amontillado Edgar Allen Poe uses symbolism, humor, and irony to develop his theme of how Fortunato's foolishness costed him his life - Essay Example Though originally used as a mere instrument by which the story could take off, it takes on a life of its own as it symbolizes the perceived wealth and success in life of its owner. It is a symbol that Fortunato refuses to believes exists but then with his curiosity getting the better of him, he embarks down a path which symbolized his ultimate doom. A more important perhaps to the story is the way that Fortunato is dressed as a court jester during the carnival. As everyone knows, a court jester is someone who is the life of the court. He makes people laugh by making fun of other people. This costume symbolizes the very personality of Fortunato, which is the happy-go-lucky type of person who unfortunately, tends to say or do things that he may not realize slights those around him as what happened unknowingly between him and Montresor. The story also makes good use of humor in the statement ââ¬Å"Luchresi doesnt know Amontillado from a Sherry". It would seem that as far as the social circle that Fortunato and Montresor move in, Luchresi fancies himself a wine conneseiur although his actions betray him as a pretender. Hence the laughter and comedic intonation in the dialogue between the friends. However funny the statement is though, it is still considered by Montresor to be an additional slight upon his person since he believes Luchresi to be a man knowledgable about wines and sherrys. Finally, we come to an analysis of the names and settings used by Poe in the story. I would like to begin with the discussion regarding his choice of the name Fortunato for his doomed character. It is truly ironic that the name Fortunato actually means a man blessed with good fortune in life. Fortunato met the exact opposite during his lifetime. Fortunato has only the worst of luck as he died a horrifying and secret death at the hands of the man he considered a trustworthy friend, Montresor. Then we have the irony of the two settings used for the story, the carnival masquerade
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Lesson in living Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Lesson in living - Essay Example In most instances, these derisions occurred in private as many of these individuals in my peer network did not have the legitimate self-confidence to be more expressive and bold with their negative commentaries. It was common, when an unpopular student wearing last yearââ¬â¢s fashion trends walked by, to snicker and scorn in an environment where this type of behavior was applauded. I have to admit, more than once, I found personal satisfaction in these mockeries. One particular student, I will call him ââ¬Å"Davidâ⬠, was obviously from a home environment that did not have much financial wealth. David would often wear the same clothing more than once during the school week, which was a significant fashion faux pas in my social network. Moreover, David did not appear to be very intelligent, as during many in-class discussions and examinations, David was not very articulate and often seemed to struggle with the simplest curriculum concepts. It was common practice for my popular friends to sneer and disparage David whenever his perceived intelligence problems were illustrated to the rest of the class. Admittedly, I found these situations quite amusing, a product of my immaturity and high need for social inclusion. One day, during lunch period, our popular table saw David walking by, carrying a sack lunch, which was a significant error for those who could afford higher quality lunches from the diverse cafeteria bakery and vending machines. Deciding to take the lead on the next contempt and disrespect for David, I offered, much more loudly than I had anticipated, ââ¬Å"Here comes our favorite crash test dummy.â⬠David stopped dead in his tracks, having overheard what I just said, a look of confusion and annoyance on his face. Immediately, the group of popular students started laughing, clearly amused that David had overhead my malicious comments. In addition, one popular student spit out a mouthful of milk, illustrating the depth to which he found this situation filled with hilarity at Davidââ¬â¢s expense. David, seeming neither amused nor infuriated, replied with a single word: ââ¬Å"Thanksâ⬠, and simply walked to his table to enjoy his bag lunch. Granted, I was only bothered that I had been overhead with my derogatory comment and felt no empathy for Davidââ¬â¢s position. Approximately one month after this incident, our social studies teacher assigned an in-class activity where our task was to evaluate three specific students in the class using a stereotype, a cultural artifact, and a cultural term from a list to describe why the chosen student fit these terms. Much to my dismay, I had been chosen by several students for spotlight which highlighted my fashion prowess related to the concept of the cultural artifact. Essentially, the implication was that my fashion sense was a throwback from previous decades which, for the first time, put me in a position of public dishonor. Following this further, according to another student, my choice of clothing ââ¬Å"came directly from a vintage resale clothing rack.â⬠Of course, my popular friends found this considerably amusing and I understood, at that moment, the complex feelings of embarrassment and awkwardness when being a target of degradation. When it was Davidââ¬â¢s turn to present, he firmly (and articulately) offered to the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Health and Social Care Essay Example for Free
Health and Social Care Essay In this essay I am going to talk the patterns and trends of health and ill health among different social groupings. I will talk about each pattern and trend in its own paragraph, Social class, Gender, Ethnicity, Age and Geographical location. I will talk about the links between these to health issues. I will back these up through the use of evidence such as statistics. I will then conclude what I have found out. Firstly I will talk about each pattern and trend. Social Class Social class helps to deter the reasons for individualââ¬â¢s health and ill health. Social classes also help with understanding health and ill health, this is done through the basis of individuals lifestyle class, for example the lower class who work in the worst conditions and have the lower ranked jobs are seen to have the poorer health. Were as the higher class are them which work in jobs that mean they work higher into the society such as office work. Meaning theyââ¬â¢re less likely to contract or suffer with an illness or such like because their environment is completely different. Another thing which means individuals is more likely to have better health care, due to their higher position in society and better paid jobs. Yet as society has developed further more, The Equality Act 2010, now covers individuals to receive fair payments no matter your class ranking or your gender. [NVLE] Social class determines a lot of health and ill health trends across the world. There is overwhelming evidence that this is the case and that life expectancy is due to this rating system of social classes. Members of higher social classes are living longer and experiencing better healthcare than members of the lower social classes. For example if someone of lower class comes it a health care profession with an issue but is drunk theyââ¬â¢re treat noticeably different to the higher class people who need medical help. Research in the past such as the black report has shown that differences in health and well-being were an effect of the level of peoples income, as well as the quality of their housing and the environment which they lived and worked in. [Stretch and Whitehouse 2010] As you can see here, that social class plays a large part in the wholeà families health as well. It also shows us that the individuals who are in the higher social class, the ones with the high income, have a better chance when the individual comes to being treated and have a better chance because of the factors of their housing, income and the wider range of opportunities available with that amount of money readily available to them. This demonstrates the huge difference based around their background, jobs and life compared to an individual who has a much less income and is in the bottom of the class rankings. There are several different influence which can cause this to happen for the individuals, a lot of chances can be taken away from the individual as a result of the social class system, as this demonstrates it can be very unfair to certain individuals. [change In the social world] Gender Gender plays a larger role in individuals health. This plays a large part on the individuals choices and opinions which take place, this is because of the rights which men hold compared to the ones which women held. This plays a big part in the individual based around their work and past experiences, for example women pay for attention about their health because they seek more medical help about things compared to men, this is because of their background such as working history and women have more attention towards their health care. This means that women gain the necessary treatment at a more beneficial time based around their illness because of their more frequent trips to doctors and medical professions, who diagnose them with an illness or issue which enables them to receive the adequate care. Were as men donââ¬â¢t tend to visit the doctor as regularly, meaning they donââ¬â¢t gain the same treatment and often die at younger age. This is called Disease prevalence. From here the main thing which medical professions tend to diagnose women with is depression. Gender also determines how the individuals treatment is seen and how their illness is advanced, this means that most of the time menââ¬â¢s treatment is more intense because they leave the issue to progress compared to women. Another thing is that women tend to live longer than men and this is proven by statistical graphs, these show that women live a longer life then men. The reasons for this are based around women and men, these show different variation in lifestyles and job workings etc. This graph shows the life expectancy over several years has increased, but it has shown that the male gender has still increasing at a lower level then female gender. [AIHW] There are many other issues associated with gender, these are associated around the lifestyle factors and habits such as smoking. There is a higher death rate based around males which can be linked with their higher levels of smoking and drinking. This is also based around the individuals participating in dangerous sports and activities. This Is based around their need for more adventure and risk taking, this can also be linked with road accidents. Meaning a higher death rate for males between 17 and 24. [Stretch and Whitehouse 2010] Ethnicity The link between race and illness is difficult to study systematically because there are several different racial types or races throughout the world and travelling has become more available these racial types have expanded. Another thing which means finding patterns and trends based around an individuals racial type has become harder, is the fact that there are now more difficult, because a lot of small ethnical groups live within inner city areas. The connection based around individuals living within cities is poorer housing, pollution and higher employment and deprived areas. This means that its harder to deter whether the individuals poor health is because of the their ethnicity or poverty. As well as the implications of higher poverty and the lack of access to health services throughout the area of that individual. Another issue based around trying to treat individuals is language and cultural difficulties, these are things which are standing in the way of individuals being able to receive health care or limit the access to certain health care. An issue which also means that individuals struggle around the basis of health care, such as religious and cultural matters, this is supported by the fact that Asian people, they speak little English and require a female doctor. Due to the issue of different racial groups and the several different languages and due to everyone having different first languages, then individuals may need different communication techniques such as translators. Due to these being in a short supply then these arenââ¬â¢t often in place. Health and social care workers need to understand individuals cultural and religious belief, this means that people need to be fully met, if not then the individual is being left vulnerable to higher levels of ill health. [Stretch and Whitehouse 2010] Age As people age you expect them to suffer a certain amount of difficulties, such as body functions becoming less efficient and them becoming less agile. As time has progressed this has changed, now people over the retirement age are more fit, healthy . these individuals contribute to our society through paid work, voluntary actions/ activities and caring for people throughout their families. This is supported by the 2001 census which revealed that 342,032 people ages 65 and over provided 50 hours or more unpaid care per week. It also remains true that there is a higher level of illness among the older population and particularly among the people over the age of 75. Throughout a 3 month period in 2003, 24% of people over the age of 75 attended causality or out-patients department of a hospital, compared with 14% of people of all other ages. These statistics are from the General Household Survey 2003.The Alzheimerââ¬â¢s Society in 2007 estimated that one in 20 people over 65 and one in five people over the age of 80 suffered from dementia. [Stretch and Whitehouse 2010] (extend) Age is something which creates several different patterns, this is based around the fact that as people age they become more prone to extracting an illness or disease or something such as a life long problem. This means that the individuals require more treatment and help. Yet as this treatment and helps is advancing the individuals life expectancy is continually increasing. Yet as you can see in the older generations, that theà individuals with longer life expectancy are women, this can reflect back to the factors which are demonstrated in gender, the men go out smoking, drinking and socialising, were as the women tend to stay at home caring for their family and are deprived from those opportunities. This shows that the women tend to be healthier and live longer with less health problems. Location There are also regional variations in patterns of health and illness. Throughout different parts of the country mortality and morbidity rates vary and also within towns and cities throughout the UK. The poorer regions and the poorer parts of cities have a higher level of illness. This can be based around the pollution and deprived areas within the cities. This is because of poorer sanitation and poorer facilities throughout the area. This can also be related to groups and people within the area, such as gangs. This can aslo be related to crime within that area, meaning that the safety and the area has become more deprived. For example, research has identified that there are regional trends in the incidence of lung cancer across the UK. Within England the rates of people with lung cancer are higher than average in the north-west, northern and Yorkshire regions and below average in the south-western, southern and eastern regions. [Stretch and Whitehouse 2010] Location reflects and accounts for many areas of health and social care which are based around the individual, for example the availability of health care professions for the varying ages. You may have to travel at distance to reach a suitable health care profession, this can be based on the fact that if you live within a small area in a city which is seen as deprived and has high levels of crime, then people may be unprepared to work within the area. Another factor may be based around the community of people within that area, such as ethnicity groups and people who use drugs, alcohol and such like, these may never think about seeking medical help as theyââ¬â¢re unaware of their body and if anything is wrong. This is all based around the individual developing trends and patterns of ill health around certain areas because of their needs and problems, poorer living conditions and pollution within that area. [NVLE] I conclude form what I have written above, that all of these, Social class, Gender, Ethnicity, Age and Geographical location of the individual, plays a large part based around the individuals health. I have found that many lifestyles factors have contributed to the individuals health, yet equal many judgemental factors have also contributed to the individuals health. I found that social class has contributed to the individuals health because of their availability to wider health care and the prices which may have relation to their illness. Were as gender has contributed to the individuals health because of their leisure and more daring activities and lifestyle choices which they consume, as well as their working area. Ethnicity has contributed to the individuals health care based around the fact the individual has moved and is living within a small area which may be deprived, (linking with location) and is unable to communicate and pay for their health care because of the move and ch ange. Age contributes to the individuals health care because of the growing issues related to becoming older and now having to look after younger family members, this has also been contributed to because of their lifestyle when they were in their teens and early adulthood and the choices they made then such as smoking. Location has contributed to health care because of the area in which the individual can afford to live and the events which may happen within that area, such as crime and the poor facilities around. As I have concluded there are many contributions throughout these health and social care patterns and trends, they all have their own individual way of contributing to the individuals care. References: [AIHW] 2013. Life expectancy.[Online] Available at https://www.aihw.gov.au/uploadedImages/Subjects/Deaths/_Content/General_content/life-expectancy-figure-1-SAS.png?n=8696 [Accessed 10th March 2014] Health and Social Care Level Btec level 3 book , Beryl Stretch and Mary Whitehouse 2010 NVLE [change in the social world]2009. [Online] Available at http://catalog.flatworldknowledge.com/bookhub/reader/4306?e=barkbrief-1.1-ch13_s02# [Accessed 10th March 2014]
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Coca Colas product range and services
Coca Colas product range and services Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in the stores, restaurants, and vending machines of more than 200 countries. It is produced by The Coca-Cola Company of Atlanta, Georgia, and is often referred to simply as Coke (a registered trademark of The Coca-Cola Company in the United States since March 27, 1994). Originally intended as a patent medicine when it was invented in the late 19th century by John Pemberton, Coca-Cola was bought out by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coke to its dominance of the world soft-drink market throughout the 20th century. The company produced concentrate which is then sold to licensed Coca-Cola bottlers throughout to the world. The bottlers, who hold territorially exclusive contracts with the company, produce finished product in cans and bottles from the concentrate in combination with filtered water and sweeteners. The bottles then sell, distribute and merchandise Coca-Cola to retails stores and vending machines. Such bottlers include Coca-Cola Enterprises, which is the largest single Coca-Cola bottler in North America and Western Europe. The Coca-Cola Company also sells concentrate for soda fountains to major restaurant and food service distributor. The Coca-Cola Company has, an occasion, introduce other cola drinks under the Coke brand name. The most common of these is Diet Coke, with others including Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Cherry, Coca-Cola Zero, and special editions with lemon, lime, or coffee. (The Coca-Cola Company Profile, www.wikipedia.com, 2011) Product and Services The Coca-Cola Company sells the products form of soft drinks include beverage concentrates and syrups, with major beverage products. Business has more than 300 beverage brands all over the world with a major to be Coke, Fanta, Lift, Sprite, Frutopia 100% Fruit Juice, and Powerade. The Coca-Cola Company Beverages its packages into plastic bottles of sizes 2 liters, 1.25 liters, 600ml and 300ml. these are also available in aluminium cans of 375ml. Coca-Cola is the most well-known trademark, recognized by 94 percent of the world population. Business was very successful and has an excellent reputation. The price of Coca-Cola are various according to size, place, and packaging. Maybe if Coca-Cola sells in the school will have different price if the Coca-Cola sells in the bazaar or market, or if we compare the price of Coca-Cola in Indonesia will different in America. (My blog Dewi Irianty, 2011) As information from Coca-Cola Amatil (CCA) Indonesia (Profile Company, www.Coca-Colaamatil.co.id, 2011) Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI) is a manufacturer and distributor of soft-drinks in Indonesia. We manufacture and distribute products licensed from The Coca-Cola Company. In addition to providing quality products and high standards, we also provide the best support services, both for our customer (distribution partners) as well as consumers. To support the best service, the CCBI provides the National Contact Center (NCC), a service center for customer and consumers throughout Indonesia. NCC serves as a medium for customers and consumers who need information or any services related to the Company and the products of Coca-Cola. Services from the NCC include: Customer service which includes the request for a customers, refrigeration equipment, ordering products from both traditional and modern outlets, and other matters related to the distribution or sale; Customer service which includes product information, product quality and packaging, products promotion and activities; Frequently Asked Question which include the research, practice or internship and job vacancies the CCBI, request to visits to the factory CCBI, offering services and products for CCBI. The suggest 90% of our customers prefer to buy of Coca-Cola in a cold state. To support increase sales growth and push the level of benefits to our customers, the role of Cold Drink Equipment (cooling equipment) becomes important. Therefore, we always to ensure that the Cold Drink Equipment that are in all our outlets to function properly and have an interesting view. One of the special program conducted by Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia to realize that goal is to provide new services, RED desk for customers who already have a cooler of Coca-Cola. Types of services available are: Receive and handle complaints of damage from the outlet of Cold Drink Equipment as well as the Sales Center Receive and handle request installation or withdrawal from the outlet of Cold Drink Equipment and Sales Center Answering question about the Cold Drink Equipment Services Coca-Cola Why the Coca-Cola Company goes to International Business it because they want to spread the product all over the world, and people will know the product. Beside that reason, the Coca-Cola also wants to raise the revenue and it will affect the production and the production will up because the demand of the product is growth up too. Its not about just the company get the advantage from this market, but the government will also get the revenue because The Coca-Cola Company do the export-import where there is a tax will raise the income of the government. The Coca-Cola Company is often appointed to be a sponsor of FIFA World Cup Football. Coca-Cola became sponsor of the World Cup almost every year held the World Cup including the 2010 World Cup. (www.google.com, www.scribd.com, 2011) The differences between across countries and home country The differences between across country and home country shown in the products they are produced. Each country have the different product although they have same name products, there are some products may be same. In Indonesia Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia or Coca-Cola Company produced the products in the bottle with ordinary design and non-alcohol, it because in Indonesia the government not allowed it. But, in America they have extraordinary design with the different design every product. In Indonesia they dont have a unique design like the product of America, and in America they have many products of Coca-Cola. This matter of concern is supposed to be the core differences between across country and home country. (Products list of Coca-Cola, www.thecoca-colacompany.co.id, 2011), (Product Coca-Cola, www.google.com, 2011) Strategy To support their products The Coca-Cola Company has strategy to their products and their company, the strategy such as sales and marketing, manufacturing and distribution, and innovation. To support their sales and marketing, they designed many programs which are pointed to consumers and loyalty of their products. Sales and Marketing Promotion Various promotions designed not only to increase their sales and marketing, but also to continue improve their consumer satisfaction and loyalty of their products. Serving Their Customers Customer Service Center (CSC) is designed to continue improve their customer satisfaction and loyalty their products by providing superior levels of service to their customers based on their specific needs. Area Marketing Contractor Encourage by the companys limited resources to cost-effectively service certain operating areas directly and strong commitment to create job opportunities in the informal sector, Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI) continue develops its product distribution system through small and medium-sized business in Indonesia. Under the system, CCBI works with two mains of third parties: Area Marketing Contractors known as AMCs, and street vending. Serving their products At Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia, we are commits to providing their customers with a range of Cold Drink Equipment to support their business. From ice chests for kiosk, to electric coolers for retail outlets, vending machines and street vending, we lend these facilities to the customer at no cost, so they can sells Coca-Cola Products cold op their consumers. HoReCa Having partnership with many hotels, restaurants, and cafes, their give many great offerings through HoReCa programs. (The Coca-Cola Company sales and marketing, www.coca-colaamatil.co.id , 2011) Manufacturing and Distribution The production of all products sold and distributed by Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia takes place in Indonesia. There are ten production plants located throughout Indonesia. Over the years, our plants in Indonesia have been awarded prizes from the Coca-Cola Company for attaining standards above those similar plants located in others part of the world. All production plants meet and frequently exceed international standards and local regulatory requirements and undergo regular audits in the areas of quality control, environmental, health, and safety practices. Coca-Cola beverages products began as raw material and go through many stages as follows: Ingredients Preparations, Mixing, Washing, Filling Capping, Coding, Inspection, Packaging, and Loading. Coca-Cola will not only sell products to their customers but also give instructions on how to merchandise the product. Sales supervisors also regularly visit customers and provide advice and listen to any input that the customers may provide, it will be a great contribution to the company. Overall sales and distribution policy is directed by the National Office, located in Cibitung, Bekasi, but the execution of the policy is carried out by well qualified and experienced regional and area operational managers and their staff. Apart from that, the bottling plants in Indonesia always welcome visitors who would like to know more about explore their hygienic and state-of-the-art production process. Coca-Cola indicates their innovation through some continuance research and development activities. They try to develop Indonesia typical products. Moreover, many variations of packages and accessories are now easily found throughout Indonesia. The reputation of Coca-Cola in Indonesia was only recognized as the large forces with main carbonated beverage company, now has changed become total beverage company in line with the production of fast non-carbonated beverage. It commenced from the issuance of Frestea, tea beverage, on the last June 2002. Now it becomes the second largest fast beverage product in Indonesia. Furthermore, Coca-Cola has marketed Sunfill Syrup and powder, and Ades mineral water outside Jabodetabek. In the meantime, the packaging field always updates its innovations. After the Refillable Glass Bottle, Frestea, Produced a couple years ago; it has been produced in more relax package last year (Tetra Wedge). It is believed to be easier and practice to bring. In the end of 2003, Coca-Cola, Sprite, and Fanta appeared in the tiny can package of 250ml. In addition, there is Glass Bottle which is light to 30% in its weight with a very tiny design but strong. Now it has started to market in Bali and for the near c oming years will be marketing nationwide. Innovation on selling facilities also developed continuously in order to meet the need of consumers and the current technology development. Some of us had to believe that Information Technology approach is really essential for every stands of company. Meanwhile, Coca-Cola bottling Indonesia has non-pollution materials. Besides increasing selling productivities, those new crates are expected to enhance the product of Coca-Cola in Indonesia. These continuous innovations have proven which as one of the famous beverage company in the world, Coca-Cola wants to provide its best for the consumers. New idea has presented and continuous investments have made in order to become the best beverage company in the world. (The Coca-Cola Company manufacturing and distribution, www.coca-colaamatil.co.id , 2011) Innovation The Coca-Cola Company tries to make new innovation to develop their products. In addition, more packages and interesting accessories are now easily found throughout Indonesia. The reputation The Coca-Cola Company in Indonesia which is previously recognize as the main carbonated beverage company, has now changed become total beverage company in line with the production of fast non-carbonated beverage. It commenced from the issuance o f Frestea, Tea Beverage, on the last June 2002. Now, it becomes the second largest fast beverage product in Indonesia. Furthermore, Coca-Cola has marketed Sun Fill syrup and Powder, and Ades mineral water outside Jabotabek. In the field of packaging, Coca-Cola always updates its innovation. After Refillable Glass Bottle, Frestea, produced a couple years ago; it has been produced a last year in more relax package (Tetra Wedge) which is easier and more practice to bring. In the end of 2003, Coca-Cola, Sprite, and Fanta appeared in the tiny can package of 250ml. In addition there is Glass Bottle which is light to 30% in its weight with a very tiny design but strong. Now it has started to market in Bali and for the near coming years will be marketed nationwide. Innovation in selling facilities also developed continuously to meet the need of consumers and the current technology development. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia has non pollution materials. Besides increasing productivities, those new creates are expected to enhance the product of Coca-Cola Indonesia. Those continuous innovations have proven that as one of the famous beverage company in the world, Coca-Cola wants to provide its best for the consumer. New idea has presented and continuous investments have made in order to become the best beverage company in the world. (The Coca-Cola innovation, www.coca-colaamatil.co.id , 2011) Culture Culture is a part of external influences that impact the consumer. That is culture represents influences that are imposed on the consumer by other individuals. The culture every country is different, not just about culture of country but the company has also culture for their company. To gain their business, The Coca-Cola Company focus in all aspect such as focus in product, commitment to people development, graduate trainee program, job vacancy and the others. To keep the quality of product The Coca-Cola Company always controls the products to not disappointing the consumer. The Coca-Cola Company also held the events for their employees such as games, party, etc. The Coca-Cola Company has commitment for their company to always keep the believing from the peoples. (Lars Perner, Ph.D, www.consumerpsychologist.co.id , 2011) (www.coca-colaamatil.co.id , 2011) Analyzes of PESTEL (Political-Economical-Social-Technological-Environmental-Legal) Political The non-alcoholic beverages falls in the category under the FDA and the government plays a role within the operation of manufacturing these products. For those companies that didnt meet the standard requirement which have been set by law, an amount of fines shall be deemed. The changes in laws and regulations, such as accounting standards, taxation requirements and environmental laws and foreign jurisdictions might affect the book of the company as well as their entry in foreign country. Apart from that, the changes in the nature of business as non-alcoholic beverages can gain competitive product and pricing pressures and the ability to improve or maintain the share in sales in global market as a result of action by competitors. An overview to the country internal markets and other governmental changes that affects their ability to penetrate the developing and emerging markets that involves the political and economic conditions. Indeed, Coca-cola always anticipates any changes in the political field and continuously monitoring the policies and regulations set by government. In the political variables, most of the things are related to Governmental activities. So, they dont leave any good or bad impact in the Industry of coke. Economical The issue of recession and inflation rates may affect the industry of coke. Non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages are also stands for good impact for a certain countries. Non-alcoholic beverages will stand better for Indonesia, Japan, Germany, and so on. On the other hand, alcoholic beverages will collect a high demand in USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc. It is supposed that economic have a negative impact to the demand of coca-cola products when the price changed because of recession and inflation. The economic situation of a country shall be strong in order to adapt to the economical changes. Social Lifestyles and attitudes of the market are supposed to change in a lifetime. It is also observed that the overall content in this world is categorized as baby boomers. This will continue to affect the non-alcoholic beverage industry by increasing the demand overall and in the healthier beverages. The main result is the decreasing demand for the carbonated drinks and is going to pull down the revenue of coca-cola. Technological IT department is demanded to be the most functional field. This creates opportunities for new products and product improvements in terms of marketing and production. New products always come along with the advance of technology. Through computers coke can increase the efficiency of its business and can have up -to-date data about their productions. This will be a way to monitor the needs of consumer. Environmental The Coca-Cola Company is providing consumers with simple moments of uniquely satisfying refreshment. The Coca-Cola Company work hard to infuse the environmental, health, and safety performance. Before The Coca-Cola Company discharge wastewater into a natural body of water, they treat that discharge water to a level capable of supporting fish life. Recognizing that environmental, health, and safety issues change as our understanding of these issues grows, they have developed a comprehensive system that follows international standards (including ISO 14001) and complies with the prevailing laws and regulations. All plants are audited regularly and have solid environment health and safety practices from waste management and reuse to occupational health and safety programs. Beyond the satisfaction of doing the right thing, our responsibility goes to the Indonesian people whose lives touch every day, and that responsibility includes conducting their business in ways that protect environment and promote the health and safety of our employees at the work places. Environment policy: PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia has commitment to always comprehend, prevent and reduce any negative impacts on environment due to its production process, to continuously provide high quality services and products to its customers and consumers, and to create a safe working environment. (The Coca-Cola Company environment, www.coca-colaamatil.co.id , 2011) Legal Legal aspect emphasizes on the effect of the national and world legislation. The industry of Coke receives all the rights applicable in the nature of their business. Every inventions and product developments are always going into the patented process led by governmental rules and regulations. This kind of legal approach leads to no highly negative impacts to industry of Coke as prescribed in Presidential decree. (http://ivythesis.typepad.com/term_paper_topics/2009/12/pestle-analysis-on-coca-cola.html ) Three Majors are very important from PESTEL Economical A few of economical crisis rises in many countries, especially underdeveloped and developing countries. Both categories seem not to have a strong economic level compared to developed countries. Inflation and recession will cause the economical situation of those countries to be unstable. Prices can be absurd and unaffordable. This will establish a pick from the demand which means stingy demand. The revenue of coca-cola industry will be decreased in many possible ways. In conclusion, the sales projection will be higher than realization. Bad reputation will then create another negative impact to the other fields of consequences. Social The lifestyle, trends, and culture of each country are all different. The countries such as Indonesia, Japan, Germany, Fiji, Papua Guinea, are approaching Sparkling beverages, still beverages, but not alcoholic beverages. This means industry of coke have to determine their products distribution in a simultaneous way. Producing the non-alcoholic beverages in such countries mentioned above will be able to collect a vast number of demands. Producing alcoholic beverages will be only wasted and only produced in a limited number which resulting in higher prices than the other products. This condition may not be affecting a country such as USA and Australia. Both of them are multicultural and many products are acceptable in both countries. The only trouble is only the competitors such as Pepsi and Nestle. Technology Apart from all the other filed, technological do affect most industry even Coca-Cola company. By using technology advantages, most developed industries in the world are having the advancement of technology as the source of their success. The core benefits are information, marketplace, and products development. Information always flows from the industry to the customers and vice versa. An industry is a physical form of conceptual plan. Every industry has to convert the source of information into data. The data can be accessed by customers in order to give reliable feedback to the industry itself. This will be the access point to the marketplace. Every country seems to have different tastes and needs. In this term, industry of coke can segment the market with potential demand. The potential demand may be differentiated into some categories. Meanwhile, the industry of Coke can do products development in order to fulfill the needs of consumer. This kind of monitoring session will bring up the flow into information again. Then, industry of Coke will have the updated information from customer again. Moreover, by the information received, industry of Coke can provide new information about their developed products and any promotion and details about the company.
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